My personal stories

Wilson Wilson


I’ve been experiencing drastic changes these last few months. Exactly three months ago I changed my job, friend’s circle, and country, without having enough time to plan for any of them. When people ask me what I do now and how I came here, I don’t know where to start because even I don’t know the answer. My hope is to better organize my thoughts through the following posts. That’s one of the reasons why I write.

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Wilson Wilson

One last thing

Have you noticed that in our lives there are days that things conspire to make us take an attitude? Everyone has once been through days when different situations point towards a specific direction. For example...

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Wilson Wilson

Embracing the new

It has been six months since my last story. During this time, I drafted many (at least 5), but I ended up scratching all of them. However, in every single one of them, there was a common overall title: “Embracing the new”. The content varied, but the title always remained the same. I always wondered why I couldn’t finish any of it.  And now I believe that I came to a conclusion.

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Wilson Wilson

What can you see with only a pair of glasses?

by Julie Ahn

It is true that I am still really young and I have so much to learn. It is also true that I lack wisdom and experience. Yet, I believe that living is a learning process so that is why I want to share my experiences and reflections.

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Wilson Wilson

Before and After

Sixteen countries visited in seven months. It is a lot, isn’t it? When I think about it, I have the feeling that it was more than a year. I visited many cities, experienced several different cultures, ate countless exotic dishes, and made great friends. I accumulated many stories and photos to share with other people.

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Wilson Wilson

About Dating

Sometimes I wonder what leads people to read my blog. I believe that part of the readers knows me, and they want to know how I am doing. On one hand, this would explain why people read it. However, on the other hand, there are relatively a lot of other strangers who also follow my blog. Then I ask myself for what reasons would lead someone who doesn’t know me to read my personal stories?

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Wilson Wilson


I have this weird habit of going back and rereading my own posts from time to time. I wonder if writers do the same thing. Coincidently, the post that I like rereading is the most read post of the blog: “Surprised by death”.

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Wilson Wilson

Between the good and... the good

Dilemmas are always very complicated. We are not used to be in doubt when deciding between the good and the bad or the good and the evil. The choice becomes complicated when both options are good. It’s like the feeling of getting stuck in a place because it’s so hard to decide which restaurant to go to, since all choices look good. This is more or less what I’ve been through these last weeks; and that's one of the reason why it took me so long to write another post.

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Wilson Wilson

Little and Tiny things

It was very hard to write this text for several reasons, and one of them is that I feel young to talk about the themes presented here. These are topics you would hear from your father or someone more experienced and not from someone who is 32. Perhaps you will disagree with me, or perhaps my thoughts may change after a while; however this is how I think today.

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Wilson Wilson

Would you live in Myanmar?

No, I’m not in Myanmar, but I have an enormous curiosity to understand how people live there. It seems to be a very interesting place. I believe that most of you, readers, would say ‘no’ to this question at first, and each one of you would give me a bunch of reasons (language, culture, food, etc.) in order to support your answer. But what if you had no other option? What if some particular situation compelled you to live there, what would you do? What would be your starting point?

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Wilson Wilson

My photo, my story

Those who know me know that I really love books. It’s one of the best presents anyone can give me. My affection for them is not summarized by the content only. When I have a book in my hands, everything is taken for account: the weight, the kind of paper, the font, typesetting, texture, art, smell (believe me, they have their own smell), the person who gave me the book, the place where it was bought and on it goes. There is a unique experience when I get a book for the first time; and so often the first time experience is stored in my memory.

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Wilson Wilson

The Invitation

I told you that this is an unexpected journey, and it’s true. Southeast Asia was always out of my  itineraries; photography was never a hobby; and writing a blog exposing my personal life, never. All started this January when I was still in Sao Paulo, Brazil. I met a friend from my childhood (Tae) who was traveling with his wife (Kary).

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Wilson Wilson

It's all about Hope

This is the last post (of a series of four). Obviously there are many things to be said, but I think that this is already enough. Perhaps I can write something else in another occasion. But the thing is that I have other interesting stories and theories to share.

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Wilson Wilson

Surprised by Failure

It’s never easy to deal with failure, and mostly when we fail in those areas that we consider crucial in life, like marriage. One thing is to fail in a test that you can retake and another is to fail as husband. The truth is that we fail many times in our life, even in those moments that we shouldn’t have. No matter how hard we try, there is always something that will pass unnoticed. By the time you least expect, you will be caught by surprise. You know when we say to our friend: “Dude, don’t drop the ball”.

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Wilson Wilson

Surprised by Pain

The first four posts are related to how I have dealt with my feelings. Perhaps they might have some utility to someone who is in a similar situation. If you know anyone, don’t hesitate to share. Another thing, if this is boring, I think it will get better on the fifth post. :)

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Wilson Wilson

Surprised by Death

Divorce is the death of a relationship. It is the obituary of all the expectations and hopes that once were celebrated at the altar among friends and relatives. The first impression is that everything is dying quickly like a cancer in an advanced stage spreading the whole body. There is nothing to be done but say goodbye to those we love and try to leave in peace. Everything becomes meaningless: dreams, work, and hobbies. The idea of desire is lost. Still, this is just the beginning.

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